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All you need to know..


1. What does an EP Study stand for?

An EP study stands for electrophysiologic study. It is done to study the current circuits in the heart. Abnormal current circuits may be responsible for symptoms like sudden palpitations, fainting, giddiness, or tiredness.


2. How is an EP Study done?

An EP study is done by placing wires in the heart through the groin and neck. Through these wires, we stimulate different parts of your heart. This will help us assess if the electric circuits in your heart are normal.


3. What is the benefit I will get by undergoing an EP Study?

An EP Study is done to find out the cause for your symptoms which may be palpitations, fainting, giddiness, or tiredness.


4. Will it hurt me when I undergo the procedure of having an EP Study?

No, it will not hurt you as the procedure will be done under local anesthesia. It will only hurt as much as a mosquito bite, the moment when the local anesthesia injection is given. After that injection is given, the medicine will act, and you will not have any pain.


5. Will I be awake during the procedure?

You will be awake for the procedure and can have a chat with your doctor as he does it. However, you may feel sleepy due to the medicines given and you are welcome to take a nap if you feel inclined to doing so. We will wake you up after it is over.


6. What is the cost of an EP Study?

The cost of an EP study is approximately Rs 20000 all-inclusive. This includes the cost of bed charge, procedure, nursing care, and doctors' fees.


7. Who will do my procedure?

Your procedure will be done by one of the six consultants in the Cardiac Electrophysiology Unit. They include Dr. David Chase, Dr. John Roshan, Dr. Sirish Chandra Srinath, Dr. Anand, Dr.Hariharan and Dr.Javaid. All of them have vast experience in doing these procedures. If you have been a private patient of one of them then the particular doctor you saw will do your procedure. In case your doctor is unwell and not available, your procedure will be done by one of the other five so as to not keep you waiting.


8. How long does the procedure take?

The procedure takes about 1 to 2 hours.


9. Do I have to get admitted for the procedure?

We recommend a daycare/ short stay 1-day admission for the procedure.


10. Will I feel anything during the procedure?

When we stimulate your heart, you may feel palpitations or chest-pounding. Sometimes patients feel momentary flushing when a special injection called adenosine is given during the study.


11. Will the EP Study cure me of my problem?

The EP study is only a test. It will help us diagnose the problem. It is not a treatment or cure.


12. Can I do all normal activities after the EP study?

You will be able to resume all the activities that you were doing prior to the procedure; 4 hours after it.


13. Are there any complications?

It is extremely rare to have complications after an EP study. The commonest complication is a blood clot in the groin. The other complications are so rare, and your doctor will discuss this with you prior to the procedure.


14. What happens next in my treatment?

Based on the EP study results you will be advised either medicines or a procedure. The procedure could mean device implantation [CRT/ICD/Pacemaker] or radiofrequency ablation.


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Department of Cardiology, Unit IV,

Christian Medical College Ranipet Campus,

Rathinagiri, Kilminnal Post

Walaja Taluk

Ranipet- 632517


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